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March 9, 2020

by Jennifer Wade, DDS

One of the worship songs this morning at church was “Peace Be Still” (featuring Lauren Daigle). I had never heard it before, but it stirred up various thoughts I’ve had and set them together like puzzle pieces. I have many times been like the disciples or Peter in the midst of “storms.” I’ve been dismayed that, from my perspective, Jesus could be asleep while something so crazy is happening in my life. I have also been in seasons where things are so great and then, all of a sudden, I realize I’m out on the water and freak out and let myself sink. Both times, Jesus has been with me, just like He was with them. Merciful Savior, asking me how I could doubt because He was there the entire time and is more powerful than any storm.

Have you been there? Have you felt that fear of drowning in whatever trial life has thrown you into? Maybe you’ve let running your practice take first seat in your life and now your other relationships are in turmoil. Maybe you invested in a new practice and the money just isn’t coming in; you feel like the debt and worry are swallowing you alive. Maybe you are stuck in a contract as an associate that is miserable, and you can’t see how staying or leaving would end well. Whatever the storm might be, you are not alone. Jesus is still there. So are all of the other broken humans who so easily forget that God is bigger than all of our trials and storms. He tells us we will have trials of many kinds but to take heart because he has overcome the whole world (John 16:33). The WHOLE WORLD! That’s everything you can possibly imagine, and He’s overcome it.

Whether it’s a problem in your own heart, with your family, with your practice, at church, in your city, your nation or the whole world, He has conquered it and wants you to look into His face so you can have the peace that transcends all understanding.

We all tend to get overwhelmed at times, and we anxiously wonder if Jesus is even aware of the waves crashing around us. Whether our challenges are personal or professional, may we feel the power of Christ’s presence, even—especially—in the stormy moments of our lives.