A Good Samaritan
April 14, 2020

“But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him” (Luke 10:33, NIV 1984).
“My wife Cindy and I have been trying to bring hope and the love of Christ to the people of Afghanistan since 2002. Among the many gifts God has given us is a health ministry to the poorest in Kabul, delivering care in the homes. Our lead caregiver is Mohammed, a compassionate, wonderful Afghan man who has been serving the poor and sick in the most difficult areas of Afghanistan for more than 20 years. Mohammed is a devout Muslim. He loves Jesus, but as a prophet only. We have had many deep conversations with Mohammed about Jesus, sharing with him our love for Him as Savior and God. Mohammed is always polite and kind but has not grasped Jesus. Recently, Mohammed returned from a rural area in the mountains where he was following up on patients he treats with leprosy. One particular young lady had disappeared from the clinic before completing treatment. Mohammed searched from town to town until he found her in a small village, living in a barn with livestock because her husband had cast her out of their home, deriding her foul-smelling, leprous wounds. Mohammed took her to a safe place, cleaned and treated her foot sores, bought her new clothes, fed and cared for her for several days and then returned her home. He presented her to her husband, “This is your wife and you will care for her.” He then instructed the husband how to clean her wounds and treat her leprosy. When Mohammed told us this story, he looked at us and could not understand why tears were running down our faces. We then read to him Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan, and then Matthew 25, and explained how Jesus wants us to feed the hungry, take in the stranger and clothe the naked. I told Mohammed that, even though he believed in Jesus only as a prophet, I felt quite sure his love for Jesus was greater than many who claim to be Christians. He was more obedient to Him and followed His word better than anyone I have known. Mohammed began to weep, and the tender heart of this Muslim man seemed to better know our Jesus.” — Zack Taylor, MD
Why do some folk, who do not know our Lord, follow Him in ways that make us bow our heads in amazement?
Mohammed’s behavior is not the action of a natural man. Sacrifice without reward is not the result of blind evolutionary forces. So, if such actions do not come from a natural instinct, does God speak to and use those who seek Him but have not found Him?
What should we think of Mohammed? What should we learn from Mohammed? Certainly, we should admire, respect and even emulate Mohammed, not because of his religion, not because he is a good man, but because he is a man who acts like Jesus.
Dear Father,
Let me be like Mohammed for those I see who suffer, as Jesus has taught me.