A Mother’s Plea
August 20, 2019

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6, ESV).
Janice died last week. I had visited her daily in the hospital until her discharge but was unaware of her death at home. During her stay, in spite of her suffering, her chief concern was for her son and daughter who were not walking with the Lord. I promised to pray faithfully for them, and I do. Today, when I discovered her death and called her husband, he reminded me how their two kids came to be. Many years ago, when radiation was needed to cure her malignancy, I had advised Janice to consider having her ovaries moved out of the field of radiation, so that someday she might conceive. She agreed; her malignancy was cured; the children are now grown and beautiful and wandering away from Jesus.
God’s going to save those kids. God’s going to “grab hold” of them somehow and watch them fall in love with Him. Certainly they have the choice to turn Him down, but that’s not going to happen. He brought them to life through the miracle of science, through the direction of a doctor who loves His Lord, for a mother who suffered and prayed for them all of her life. God’s going to grasp them in His arms of love, even if they turn away, and deliver them into the arms of their mother, who is waiting desperately for them in heaven.
God’s got them and will bring them home.
Life doesn’t make sense otherwise.
Does it?
Dear God,
Help me make her prayers come true.