A Son’s Devotion
June 2, 2020

“Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword…God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect” (Hebrews 11:36-40, NIV 1984).
I was visiting a large church in a state other than my own after fellowshipping with other Christian healthcare professionals. The pastor preached a wonderful message and then opened things up, asking folks to go to one of two microphones and tell the church for what they thanked God or for what they praised God. Many men and women and children voiced beautiful words of thanksgiving and praise, covering family and health and salvation and God’s work in their lives. Then one young boy of 12 or so stepped to the microphone and shared, “I thank God my mother died, for otherwise I would never have known Him.”
My good friend, Ken Jones, a minister in California, often reminds me, “There are two kinds of people in this world, those who get it and those who don’t get it.” This young man gets it.
I assume he loved his mother deeply and missed her from the depths of his young heart, and I assume his mother is safe in the arms of Jesus. I also assume this boy of 12 has discovered one of the most profound truths we can ever learn.
What this young man shared with 2,000 people in that sanctuary after a wonderful sermon was, “No matter how wonderful any relationship or experience in life, Jesus is better. No matter how tragic any event or loss in life, Jesus will redeem it for those who know His love.”
I’ve heard many patients with cancer thank God for their malignancies because their cancers brought them closer to Him. I stand amazed in their presence. I think this boy knew it even better than they: Knowing God is more wonderful than anything the world can offer, and knowing God is more wonderful than anything the world can take away.
Dear Father,
Drive deep into my heart the value of knowing You.