On the Side: July 2020

The teacher asked to meet with me after school. She told me that the fourth grade would be taking a field trip, but the bus was not accessible. Would I mind driving my son Benjamin and his wheelchair behind the bus? I was heartbroken that his experience would look different than his peers. I was angry that he would miss out on the fun of the bus ride. I was sad I couldn’t fix the injustice of life with cerebral palsy.

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On the Side: December 2019

She just needed to soften the butter, but she put it in the microwave and then walked away to do the next task. By the time my daughter remembered, the butter was not just soft, it was completely liquefied and unusable for the recipe she was making.

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On the Side: March 2019

The restaurant play area was already packed with children. I could only imagine the germs that my three 2-year-olds were about to encounter. I could just turn around and walk back to the car – I didn’t know a soul there and they would never miss me. Honestly, the ONLY reason I kept moving forward toward the group gathered from the church we had just visited was because I had told my husband and my mother that I was going and I knew BOTH would ask me how it went.

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