A Word About…Choices

I spend more than a little time in my role as a professional coach talking to Christian healthcare professionals. I talk to some of them over coffee in the town where I live; I talk to others on the phone or perhaps on a Zoom call. As a pastor and coach who sort of specializes in coaching Christian healthcare professionals, I have the privilege of spending quality time with some of the brightest people on the planet. I’m always humbled by that opportunity, and I take my responsibility as a coach very seriously.

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String Theory

His name was Hermon Miller, and he owned the grocery store on the street where I grew up. When it was hot and muggy on many summer afternoons, my mom would ask me to “Go down to Millers Store and get some pork chops for supper,” or perhaps, “Go down to Millers and get some bread for sandwiches, so I can make your lunch. Better get a pound of bologna, too.” I’d hop on my bike and ride down to the end of our street to get what my mom had said I should buy.

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The Peace…of Paper

I have a friend, Rich, whose quiet, reflective, manner makes him a wonderful person to talk to. When I’m around him, the impression I get is that he actually thinks before he speaks—a rare thing in humans—and then, when he does speak, his words are distilled, salient and worth listening to. I like to hear him talk. He challenges me to grow. Several months ago, I asked him when we could get together for lunch.

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A Word About Persistence

I have discovered one of the great joys in life, I think: the joy of watching my grandkids grow up. My wife and I have six, four girls and two boys. Seems like I never get tired of hearing about their latest accomplishments or adventures. And this week, as one of them started high school, I remembered a scene I hadn’t thought of in a long time.

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Three Questions to Help You W.I.N. in Life

How’s it going? How did you “do” today at navigating the, no doubt, dozens of things you had to do? Those generic, innocent questions we use in everyday life as we interact with others rarely invite deeper reflection in those we might be asking. “Fine,” is probably the most common response we get when we ask someone else how they’re doing.

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A Word About…Remembering

A few years ago now, our youngest son Simeon left home to attend Seattle Pacific University (SPU). Like countless parents who watch their kids step into the world and out from under wings of mom and dad, we had some not-too-uncommon concerns, I suppose.

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Leading a Normal Life

One of the most frequently asked questions from people considering coaching is about the “process,” or about what it looks like to work with a coach. Because thousands of individuals have decided they are coaches because they have a particular expertise or experience in a specific area (i.e. sports coaches, writing coaches, even life coaches), it can be difficult to know how to choose a coach or even whether coaching is the right choice.

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The Method Behind the Madness

One of the most frequently asked questions from people considering coaching is about the “process,” or about what it looks like to work with a coach. Because thousands of individuals have decided they are coaches because they have a particular expertise or experience in a specific area (i.e. sports coaches, writing coaches, even life coaches), it can be difficult to know how to choose a coach or even whether coaching is the right choice.

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A Word About Blessed Events

Because October is Down Syndrome Month …

A Word About Blessed Events

Everyone knows that phrase: A Blessed Event.

         A blessed event is what happens when a baby is born.

        A blessed event occurs when that familiar sound splits the air,

                And a neonate cries for the very first time,

And an heir is born who can help carry on the family name and lineage.

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The Control Panel of Life

“Control” is a word we use all the time, have you noticed? In science, every researcher insists on the careful documentation of experiments and the importance of control groups for accuracy in successful drug development. Television studios all have some control room, where people sit staring at monitors to determine which camera angle best captures the story that is unfolding. Every large airport in the world has a control tower, rising several stories above the surrounding runways. Men and women sit in those high control towers looking out on the horizon, while simultaneously watching monitors that display the exact location of airplanes wanting to land or waiting for permission to take off. The pilots are certainly flying the planes, but the controllers are in…control.

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Could You Repeat That?

Communicating through protective masks is something our culture is trying to get used to. Healthcare professionals, of course, have learned to talk through masks as a part of their everyday lives. But sometimes, the challenge isn’t about just being heard. It’s about measuring the weight and value of the words to begin with.

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A Word About…Our Times

CMDA offers its members and friends some great opportunities for educational travel, and I’ve been privileged to be in Greece and retrace the footsteps of Paul and his missionary journeys. On our trip, I vividly remember standing atop Mars Hill, reading aloud Paul’s address to those Stoic philosophers.

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Conversations of The Inner-man

I recently spent time with a dying man, a wonderful Christian man who was wrestling with end-of-life issues. As a pastor for a long time, I will tell you, this is not the first conversation I’d ever had with an individual facing a terminal illness who seemed perplexed by decisions he never had to think about before.

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Signs in the Window of Your Life

A loyal customer might look at a sign like that and wonder, “Will the new management know my name, or what I like, or even who I am?” And a potential new customer might wonder what went wrong with the previous management that would result in ‘new’ management being needed?

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I Was Just Thinking …

As he began his conversation with me, he said, “I hope I’m not disturbing you. But, since I saw your door open, and it looked like all you were doing was thinking, I wondered if I could share something with you?”

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