Words about the Word

Some of the assumptions we have about life are so much a part of the warp and woof of our faith that we are unconscious we even hold them. Like the glasses (for some of us) that sit on our nose, we have become so habituated to wearing them and seeing the world through them, that we aren’t even aware of their presence.

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Tell Me Why

The real question that must be answered when it comes to missions is not Where? or How? Or even Who? The real question is Why? If we can answer this question, all other questions will take care of themselves.

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Undiscipled Disciples

Three times in the New Testament the followers of Christ are called “Christians.” But they are called “disciples” more than 260 times! There is more than semantics going on here. The gospel of Jesus is about discipleship.

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Second Chances

I’m not sure I deserved the credit Bonner gave me. “I want to thank you for saving my life, Doc. “But more important than the credit was the way he finished his statement. “I’m going to put this second chance to good use. I’m not going to squander it.”

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The Key to World Transformation

When one’s eyes are opened to the overwhelming needs around us and then you realize that the Lord Jesus is calling us to help change the world, it can feel overwhelming, even paralyzing. What can I do? Where should I begin? Should I volunteer for the food pantry?

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You Ain’t Nothin’ But A Hound Dog

Huh? Elvis gave hound dogs everywhere a bad name forever. And yet, if we can get beyond Elvis’ body contortions and those mindless lyrics, we may be able to grasp the reality that God is, in fact, a lot like a hound dog. Think about it. Bloodhounds are noted for their ability to follow a scent for long distances. Once on the trail they are famous for their tenacity.

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Big God: A Devotional Thought

How big is your God? Isaiah’s God was enormous! When he writes about his vision of the Holy One, the thing that seems to impress him the most is that the hem of his robe took up all the space in the temple. Jut the hem! Think about it.

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TGI Monday

Jesus spent 18 years as a carpenter. He spent three years as a preacher. In other words, the Savior of the world invested six times more of His life sawing lumber, hammering nails, planning boards, making cabinets and sweeping sawdust than He spent preaching, teaching and healing.

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Whole-hearted or Hole-hearted?

A nasty rumor is going around, and it is my goal to squelch it! It seems many in the church today have been led to believe that one can be a follower of Jesus Christ without being fully devoted. Do you buy into this rumor? Can you make only a partial surrender to Christ and simultaneously sing “It Is Well With My Soul?”

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Humble Apologetics

Perhaps the greatest damage that can be done in our efforts as Christians to “defend the faith” is to do so with a spirit of pride. More arguments are lost by arrogance in our attitudes than by errors in our reasoning! Our apologetics must be humble because the God we serve is humble.

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The Diabolical Heritage of the English Language

If I were Satan and my mission to capture souls for hell, I think my first theater of operations would be the dictionary. I could greatly enhance my diabolical plan for world dominion if I could subtly change the meaning of words so that verbal accuracy was lost and truth became foggy.

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Where the Battle is Won…Or Lost

Deep within every human soul resides a kingdom where self is sovereign. In this little fiefdom of autonomy the unholy trinity of me, myself and I reigns supreme. Here, I sit on the throne of my life enacting decrees, making judgments, forming decisions and controlling my destiny.

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The Be-Baditudes

Blessed are those who have their act together and are spiritually with it, for they illustrate what God’s reign in this world really looks like. Blessed are those who are healthy, wealthy and happy, for they’ve found the true meaning of life.

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