Back to Basics: Laying a Strong Foundation
September 29, 2020

by Krystal Mattox, DDS
“We need to get back to the basics of life, a heart that is pure and a love that is blind, a faith that is ferventlygrounded in Christ, the hope that endures for all times. These are the basics, we need to get back to the basics of life” Do you remember this song by 4Him? I heard it growing up in Jamaica, a beautiful melody. This song was released in 1992, but it is still so relevant even to this day. The songwriter addresses the eviction of virtues and morals in our nation, the perception by many that God is not needed. Despite that, he holds on to the anchor that Jesus will stand the test of time and the importance of that old rugged cross.
Have you ever gotten through your day, your week, the month and maybe even the year and honestly wondered, “Why do I feel distant, like I don’t know the One to whom I profess faith in, my Savior, Jesus?” Do you ever feel that the problems in your life, our nation and the world are too big for you to do anything about them? “What difference can I make in the hurt that so many are experiencing?” Are you constantly inundating yourself with the struggles of our world, with the news permeating every corner of your house, the radio in your car, your place of work? Maybe you have done the opposite and resolved not to pay attention to any of it due to how overwhelming it has become.
If you feel this way, I would implore you to get back to the “basics” of Christianity. Our foundation needs to be laid on the Cornerstone whom the builders have rejected. That Stone that is perceived by many to be worthless is the very Stone that God has used to bring salvation to all of us—the lost, the broken, the downtrodden, the exhausted, the overwhelmed, the sinner, you and me. Jesus is the most important Stone, the first Stone, that needs to be laid in our life. If we can come to a place of demolishing ourselves to rebuild with a stronger foundation, the right cornerstone, then we can demonstrate to others their need for a “reboot” as well, and in so doing, make a difference in the world.
How do we reboot you may ask? By being honest with ourselves that it is necessary. We don’t think about the daily habits of sleeping or eating, it would be difficult for us to negate those things. Yet, we sometimes go through the day, the week, the month and even the year attending church and browsing through Scripture but not truly building a foundation and slowing down to have time with just you and your Savior. Like you, I have good intentions. My Bible sits right next to my bed, and I profess I’m going to start anew and find ways to integrate the Lord into my day. Maybe we’ve been approaching this wrong, maybe it’s not about finding time but making time. We all make time for what we deem as important, how important is eating? Sleeping? Knowing Christ? Yet, of these three, we always do the first two. As for knowing Christ more…well, “I can do that tomorrow.” That is the mindset we need to reboot. Our priorities are shown by what we spend our time on, not what we say.
Let’s get back to basics, showing others around us in our actions and speech how important Christ is to the relevance of our culture by being an example that He has relevance and is central in our life.
“Come to Him [the risen Lord] as to a living Stone which men rejected and threw away, but which is choice and precious in the sight of God. You [believers], like living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house for a holy and dedicated priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices [that are] acceptable and pleasing to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:4-5, AMP).
“One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple” (Psalm 27:4, NKJV).