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Breathing Prayer

June 29, 2020

Recently I was introduced to a praying method called “breathing prayer.” I know it’s not a new concept, but it was new to me and may be new to you as well. It’s a way to get your mind to sit still and focus on the Word of God and hear His voice. You pick a short verse or verse portion and repeat it by saying the first half as you breathe in and finishing it as you breathe out. The goal is to do this for a set amount of time, for instance five minutes, however many times a day you like to reorient your heart to God and His Word. Honestly when I first heard about it, I did not think I’d be able to get much from it because I’m not a huge fan of repetition. But recently in clinic God proved me wrong.


Since the COVID-19 shutdown, I have only been in clinic about six times. Before two of those days, I prayed portions of Colossians 3, specifically part of verses 12 and 15:


“…clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Colossians 3:12, NIV 1984).


“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful” (Colossians 3:15, NIV 1984).


Each of those days my patient encounters really were full of Holy Spirit-given peace, patience, compassion, kindness and humility! It was incredible. Now, I’m not saying this is some sort of magic incantation where if you pick a verse regarding something you want and repeat it over and over that God will give it to you. I’m merely sharing a truth you already know. Seeking God first can lead to some really cool fruit in your life. This type of prayer was a new way I could seek God and see Him bear fruit in my life.


So, try it out. Is there a passage that has been on your heart recently? Use part of it to practice breathing prayer. Maybe you too will be equipped with a new way of letting God’s word dwell in your heart richly and see more clearly how your whole day can be lived with Him.