Change, Transition, and Transformation

May 16, 2017

by Ann Tsen, MD, ACC

Dr. Sartori and I recently finished leading CMDA’s 8-week, live webinar, 503 Coaching Change, Transition and Transformation. What a rich time of growth, learning and fellowship! The nine participants have now completed thirty-two hours of ICF-certified coach training with our program, AND, they received the added bonus of twenty-four hours of Category I CME credits.

These physicians, dentists, spouses and other interested individuals join a growing tribe of people ready to help advance the Kingdom of God through coaching in their individual settings. Some may advance to ICF certification; others will use their new coaching skills at home, or in their roles as leaders. Coaching skills represent a tremendous tool for doctors, whether they are in leadership positions, medical missions, academic medicine, or working with colleagues and patients in the clinical setting. Many doctors are realizing that coaching skills can be of great benefit in helping patients take ownership of their own health and achieve improved outcomes.

Our course focused specifically on exploring how coaching can facilitate powerful change in the lives of individuals, help them successfully navigate transition and create the space to experience deep transformation. It was a joy to witness the trainees’ own stages of change, transition and transformation as they learned to apply these principles with specific coaching skills in the lives of those around them as well as their own. Additionally, since we learn more deeply when we teach, my own framework shifted as I began seeing how prevalent change, transition and transformation concepts are in the lives of my family, friends, patients and the physicians I coach. I am more equipped to encourage and support others through having taught this course.

Here’s a brief overview of some key elements from the 503 course:


Individuals are at different stages of readiness for change in their lives, and they need very different kinds of support at each stage in order to get unstuck and move forward. Lasting change is more likely when we go beyond simply changing behaviors or adopting new strategies. Lasting change requires new beliefs.


Transition is normally hard, confusing, and chaotic but it holds tremendous potential and opportunity for growth and new possibilities. Successful navigation of transition requires fully letting go of the “former,” exploring the in-between and fully embracing the “new.”  The most important factor in successfully managing transition is mining its potential and not rushing this important step.


The deepest transformation is made possible by the work of Christ on the cross. Transformation can’t be forced. As we help people find the space and safety to be open to transformation, we join Christ in His redemptive work. Transformation, then, involves adopting a new story or identity out of which new strategies, actions, relationships and results can flow.

As coaches, we’re privileged to support and encourage physicians and dentists in their journey toward change, transition and transformation. It is very gratifying to be an active part in CMDA’s mission: Transformed Doctors Transforming the World.

Is there a change you’ve been wanting to make but just can’t get moving? Are you facing transition and dreading it? Are you longing for deeper transformation that’s slow in coming? Working with a CMDA coach could be the catalyst to launch you forward. Contact us or refer a friend today.

Christian Medical & Dental Associations®

About Christian Medical & Dental Associations®

The Christian Medical & Dental Associations® (CMDA) is made up of the Christian Medical Association (CMA) and the Christian Dental Association (CDA). CMDA provides resources, networking opportunities, education and a public voice for Christian healthcare professionals and students.