Go to God First
November 3, 2020

by Jennifer Wade, DDS
Do you have the habit of going to God first when making decisions whether big or small? I’d like to say it’s a regular practice of mine, but honestly I don’t often go to God first. My husband and I are considering a move to Texas to be closer to my family, and this has tested this practice in my life. The Lord has revealed in my heart how much I try to make plans on my own thinking it’s what He wants, but really it’s something I’ve made up. As I pray about the future asking what He wants for me and for my family, the answer I keep getting is, “Place it in my hands, be patient, don’t worry about the future.” And this has been so freeing and even exciting. It’s relieving knowing I don’t have to have all the answers and can trust God will lead us in a way that will be most glorifying to Him and exciting for us.
Are there decisions you’re facing right now, whether big or small, that you need to take to God first? With our practices, our patients, our families and our personal lives, it’s easy just to jump to the decision that makes the most sense. And what makes the most sense may be what God wants, but there is still more joy to be had when we go to Him first and know in our hearts we are walking in His will. As you come across the next decision in your life, come to it intentionally. Write it down, pray, give it over to God, and as He leads you, document what you hear from Him and what peace He gives you about it.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV).