CMDA's The Point

Immunizing Conscience

May 18, 2020
07192018POINTBLOG NoLogo

by David Prentice, PhD

Ethical considerations should have a priority place in science and medicine. Promoting sound bioethics promotes confidence in doctors and scientists and their work, among peers, the public and policymakers. This is certainly seen in the recent ethically-guided decisions around federal funding of research with fetal tissue from elective abortions. Ethical guardrails help focus precious research funds on projects with best chance of success and benefit for all. Even in a crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, illumination of the ethical vs. unethical proposals can educate and serve to focus attention and resources on the paths that will benefit all.

A recent count showed over 160 different treatments and vaccines under development to fight off the SARS-CoV-2 (CoV-19) coronavirus, with an estimated 115 vaccines under development, though the vast majority are only at the laboratory stage. None of the treatments or vaccines under development use trafficked fetal tissue from ongoing abortion in their production.

There is an ethical concern, however, with some of the vaccines under study, as their production uses human cell lines that were established from cells taken from electively aborted human fetuses. In particular, five of 16 vaccine candidates now in registered clinical trials or in early pre-clinical stages of development use cell lines developed from elective abortions.

Why do some vaccine schemes use these cell lines for viral vaccine production, while others do not? Remember that a vaccine is designed to expose the body’s immune system to a potential infectious agent before an actual infection occurs, flagging the offender for future recognition, somewhat like a “Wanted” poster. Part of that recognition is priming the immune system to be ready to repel a future invader, arming itself by producing antibodies that recognize the invader. The recognition signal (antigen) given in a vaccine can be the whole invader, e.g., a whole bacterium or whole virus, weakened or killed so as not to cause the actual infection. Alternatively, a part of the invader, such as an essential protein on the external surface of the virus or bacterium, can be used as the recognition factor (e.g., like a Wanted poster with a picture of a face but not the whole body of a person.)

So where do cell lines come in? For pathogens like bacteria (e.g., diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus), which are cells that can grow independently, no cell line assistance is needed as these can be grown in large numbers and then weakened, killed or taken apart to derive the vaccine recognition component. Viruses (e.g., influenza, polio, SARS-CoV-2), however, cannot replicate on their own; they absolutely require the help of a cell. The viruses infect a cell and hijack cellular production machinery to multiply within the cell.

Cell lines are used to grow whole viruses to be used in vaccines. The viruses grown in cell lines can be the actual infectious virus itself, or it can be a different virus such as adenovirus, genetically engineered not to cause an infection but also to carry a recognition factor, e.g., the gene for a protein of SARS-CoV-2. The origin of such cell lines then becomes the locus of ethical concern. Some cell lines (WI-38, MRC-5) derived from abortion have been used, and are still used, to grow whole infectious virus for some vaccines. Other cell lines (HEK293, PER.C6) are being used to grow genetically-engineered adenoviruses or to make large quantities of viral protein for study in the lab. Some may see no ethical problem in use of abortion-derived cell lines for vaccine production, but for many a straight line can be drawn from the ending of a human life in an abortion to a vaccine created using cells derived from an abortion. Even though the cells have been propagated for years in the laboratory, far removed from the abortion, that connection line remains.

Several questions of conscience then arise. For those aware of a vaccine’s lineage, one question is whether they can receive such a vaccine if offered. That possibility for conscientious objection by potential vaccine recipients also creates ethical demands on the policymakers, healthcare officials, scientists, vaccine creators and funders, whether or not they themselves have an ethical concern, because of the question of access to a vaccine by the entire citizenry in good conscience. This is especially true if alternative production methods and vaccines are possible for which there is no ethical question.

Among the vast number of COVID-19 vaccines under development, most raise no ethical questions regarding their production. There are numerous cell lines available for virus production as well as production of viral proteins, including insect cells, monkey cells and human cell lines which do not have an abortion-derived lineage. One example of a modern vaccine created in this way is the Shingrix (shingles) vaccine, created using a hamster cell line. Newer vaccine production methods are also being advanced for COVID-19 vaccine development, including creation of RNA and DNA vaccines which use no cells at all in their production. So there are, in fact, a tremendous number of potential COVID-19 vaccine possibilities which raise no questions of conscience regarding their production.

How soon any of these potential vaccines become available and which methods are eventually successful for effective vaccine production is unknown. But we can immunize our conscience now and encourage others to consider the ethics. Adherence to the highest ethical standards in science and medicine serves all humanity, because it values the dignity of every human life and respects the consciences of all.

David Prentice, PhD

About David Prentice, PhD

David A. Prentice is Vice President and Research Director for the Charlotte Lozier Institute. He is also Adjunct Professor of Molecular Genetics at the John Paul II Institute, The Catholic University of America and was a Founding Advisory Board Member for the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center, a unique comprehensive stem cell center in Kansas that he was instrumental in creating. In 2020, he was appointed by the Secretary of HHS to the federal Human Fetal Tissue Ethics Advisory Board. Dr. Prentice has over 40 years’ experience as a scientific researcher and professor, including previous service as senior fellow for life sciences at the Family Research Council, Professor of Life Sciences at Indiana State University, and Adjunct Professor of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Indiana University School of Medicine. He established Stem Cell Research Facts, an educational website providing scientific facts and patient-centered videos about adult stem cells, and is a founding member of Do No Harm: The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics, and an advisory board member for the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. He has provided scientific advice for numerous medical professionals, legislators, policymakers and organizations at the state, federal, and international levels. Dr. Prentice received his Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Kansas, and was at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of Texas Medical School-Houston before joining Indiana State University where in addition to his research and teaching, he served as Acting Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences and Assistant Chair of Life Sciences. He was recognized with the University’s Caleb Mills Distinguished Teaching Award and Faculty Distinguished Service Award. He has taught courses ranging from non-majors biology to advanced and graduate courses including developmental biology, embryology, cell and tissue culture, history of biology, science and politics, pathophysiology, medical genetics, and medical biochemistry. Several of his courses were also taught on-line. He received the 2007 Walter C. Randall Award in Biomedical Ethics from the American Physiological Society, given for promoting the honor and integrity of biomedical science through example and mentoring in the classroom and laboratory. Dr. Prentice’s research interests encompass various aspects of cell growth control, cell and developmental biology; one major focus is adult stem cells. He has reviewed for various professional publications including The Journal of the American Medical Association. He is an internationally-recognized expert on stem cell research, cell biology and bioethics, and has provided scientific lectures and policy briefings in 40 states and 21 countries, including testimony before the U.S. Congress and numerous state legislatures, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the President’s Council on Bioethics, European Parliament, British Parliament, Canadian Parliament, Australian Parliament, German Bundestag, French Senate, Swedish Parliament, the United Nations, and the Vatican. He was selected by President George W. Bush’s U.S. President’s Council on Bioethics to write the comprehensive review of adult stem cell research for the Council’s 2004 publication “Monitoring Stem Cell Research.” Dr. Prentice has published numerous scientific and bioethics articles, including a recent review of stem cell science and adult stem cell treatments published in Circulation Research. He has also published numerous commentaries and op-eds, and travels nationally and internationally to give frequent invited lectures regarding stem cell research, fetal tissue research, gene editing, cloning, embryology, cell culture and vaccines, bioethics, and public policy. He has been interviewed in virtually all major electronic and print media outlets, including CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CSPAN, Reuters, AP, NPR, USA Today, BBC, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, and The New York Times.


  1. Avatar Andrew on May 23, 2020 at 3:30 am

    What if there is no clear “here is the mark of the beast” warning when it comes? What if it’s something we are just supposed to know inwardly?

  2. Avatar Mike Chupp on June 19, 2020 at 4:11 pm

    Very thoughtful post, David. Thank you for writing on this very important topic which I’ve been thinking about more recently, especially after having interviewed one of our PA members, Jonathan Clemens, on an article he wrote for the AAPA on religious objections to vaccinations and how Christian healthcare professionals should respectfully dialogue with their patients on these topics. I’m delighted to read that a large number of COVID 19 vaccines are being developed without the human fetal cell line assistance. God bless you and continue to open doors for you to challenge us all in the arena of bioethics. This new CEO for CMDA is grateful for your partnership with us.

    Mike Chupp
    CEO – CMDA

  3. Avatar Joyce Olutade, MD on August 1, 2020 at 8:20 pm

    Thank you Dr. Prentice. Your article is quite informative. I am now better poised to discuss with patients who have genuine concerns about vaccines.

  4. Avatar Leslie on September 1, 2020 at 10:02 am

    Hello, I am concerned about the covid vaccine for several reasons:
    1. The possible use of fetal tissues
    2. The fact that it may be required and that I may not have a choice in my own healthcare.
    3. The rumors I’ve heard that there could be a microchip implanted in it to track and monitor citizens and
    4. The rumors I’ve heard that it changes the recipient’s dna, can cause sterility and that the death rate from the vaccine is higher in trials than from the disease itself.
    Can you help me understand? Please?

  5. Avatar Dana on November 27, 2020 at 1:07 am

    I also am concerned as Leslie mentioned with the RNA DNA concerns. I get the feeling this is what the verse in Matthew 24 is talking about as the days of Noah and the corruption of the DNA as happened in Genesis 6 with the fallen angels of Jude leaving there first estate other words the corruption of our dna.. Please help me to know medically if we should not get the vaccine.