
Money Thoughts

September 1, 2017

"Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers-not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve" (1 Peter 5:2, NIV 1984).

I woke up this morning thinking of money. And I wasn't just thinking of money; I was focused on money. I couldn't get it out of my head. I need some. I've been wanting to simplify my lifestyle so I might be less pressured and have more time to serve the Lord in a more deliberate way. But I woke up realizing I need just a bit more money to get there.

It took me six miles of running this morning to sort out why I might not have the resources to get where I want to be.
Four possibilities:

  • Having more money to serve God at this time in my life may be His best will for me-but perhaps I have not prepared as I should. If I had lived more simply when I was younger and had deliberately saved more to serve God in my future, I might have been more ready for a more focused life right now.
  • Or, perhaps my wanting more money might not come from pure motives.  Perhaps I am really seeking more wealth so I can have a less stressed life style and enjoy life more, with God's work as a secondary, rationalizing objective.
  • Or, perhaps I am pure in motive but my plan is not God's will. Perhaps God wants me to continue to serve Him exactly where I am now, with all the furious pace and myriad opportunities to be His witness in my present workplace.
  • Or, perhaps simplifying my life to serve God better is truly His will, but He wants me to learn to trust Him more. Perhaps my heart is right and my plan is right but God wants me to depend on Him more to get me there, so that my future service for Him will rest fully on His power, for His glory, not on my strength and my pride.

I suspect a bit of all of this is true. We are complex people, still bearing our natural selves. I'm stuck with that.
So, what do I do when I truly want to serve the Lord and need more money?

Be thankful for all my blessings.
Be content with my present resources and with His present plan.
Plan better with frugality so that His future mission may be well funded.
Surrender both my plans and His money.
Trust that He will provide all that is necessary to place me in His will.

Dear Father,
Let me rest in the resources you have provided and use them responsibly for your glory.

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