Overcoming the Bombardment of COVID-19
October 22, 2020

by Doug Lindberg, MD
Carpet bombing, also known as saturation bombing, is a large area bombardment done in a progressive manner to inflict damage in every part of a selected area of land. The phrase evokes the image of explosions completely covering an area, in the same way a carpet covers a floor.
Does it feel to you like COVID-19 has carpet bombed your life? Our country? Our world? For many of us, 2020 has seen life totally upended. Our normal routines and patterns are entirely disrupted. Everything from what we wear to work (scrub use is way up) to greetings (elbow bumps and toe taps), to travel modes (road trips are in, airplanes are out)—it all seems to have changed.
Healthcare missions has been hard hit by COVID-19’s bombing campaign as well. Mission hospitals have had to prepare their facilities and staff for surges of COVID patients. Travel restrictions have made overseas trips nearly impossible, at times leaving key staff stranded away from their community. Money challenges have arisen, as patient flow drops and donations dry up. Procurement challenges have popped up, as supplies run short and prices spike. Fear and uncertainty among staff and community members can be palpable at times. And the poor and marginalized suffer the most.
All this being said, the pandemic has only accentuated the need for healthcare missions. In the midst of all the chaos and uncertainty resulting from COVID-19 bombs dropping all around us, Jesus is our anchor in the vale! He is exactly what the world needs in the midst of these difficult days. Providing healthcare for our brothers and sisters both in the U.S. and around the world, in Jesus’ name, remains an intensely practical way to demonstrate Christ’s love and compassion, as well as help them find the peace and hope He alone can offer. We must continue to send. To train. To encourage. And to go!
If this resonates with you, please make every effort to take part in the 25th annual Global Missions Health Conference (GMHC), which will be held November 13-14. The GMHC is the premier healthcare missions conference in the United States. For the first time ever, the conference has gone virtual this year. The GMHC team is putting together an incredible conference with four main plenary sessions, over 150 breakout session options and more than 100 exhibitors in the virtual exhibit hall. It’s not too late to register, and you can attend from home this year instead of traveling to Kentucky! Come and be inspired. The disruption and chaos that COVID-19 has brought might be just what’s needed to help you to take a step of faith toward helping you see what part Jesus wants you to play in healthcare missions!
Register now at www.medicalmissions.com.
Dear Lord, examine my life plans and lead me along the right path through the minefield of distractions that my desires and the enemy have planted along my path. May we act in obedience to you, Father, along the best path for our lives! (Isaiah 48:17) Thanks Doug for this clarion call to obedience and trust God when he allows the carpet bombing to take away our confidence in the things that almost always work for us to lean on HIM and his direction for our lives.