Posts Tagged ‘Abortion’
Organized Medicine and the Response to Dobbs: Seeking Crucial and Constructive Conversations
On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a landmark decision in which the court held that the U.S. Constitution does not confer a right to abortion.[1] A number of medical professional organizations responded to the decision with public statements. These responses were framed around themes including affirmation of patient autonomy, protection of the doctor-patient relationship, preservation of abortion experience in the training environment and protection of disparately affected populations.
Read MoreWhy Are We Suing the FDA?
If you’ve been paying attention to the news the last several months, you’ve likely heard about a lawsuit entitled AHM vs. FDA in which a group of prolife healthcare professionals is suing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over removal of safety standards for the abortion drug mifepristone. The lawsuit was in the news again in December 2023 because the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. That group of prolife healthcare professionals includes CMDA. AHM stands for the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, and CMDA is one of five founding members of AHM, along with the Catholic Medical Association (CMA), the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) and the Coptic Medical Association of North America (CMANA).
Read MoreSave and Support Lives with Abortion Pill Reversal
Rebecca had eight months to go before finishing nursing school and was in an unhealthy relationship when she found out she was pregnant. She had no car and little income, and she certainly did not feel ready to have a baby.
Read MoreThe Landmark Decision: Finally Granting Life to the Pre-born
In June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court finally corrected the debacle of the Roe v. Wade decision, ending 49 years of federal judicial fiat allowing legal abortion in all 50 states.
Read MoreThe Path of Life: My Journey to Help Rescue the Pre-born
As I look back on my path, I realize that what God used to guide my steps weren’t earth-shattering events, but rather small moments that probably seemed inconsequential to others. To me, however, those moments brought me to a place where I could see God’s mercy and power in ways I never imagined.
Read MoreYou Could Help Reverse an Abortion!
Like me, you probably entered the medical field because you wanted to help people who were in significant need, facing challenges, and for whom you could have a substantial positive impact. You may have gone in with the goal to save lives. In healthcare, we have the privilege of helping people at some of their most vulnerable points, while also being a light shining into their darkness. For many women, that moment arrives for them after they have taken mifepristone (RU-486) with the intention of ending their pregnancy.
Read MoreEthical Science at Warp Speed
COVID-19 has brought many challenges to us all—medical, ethical, societal. It has also intensified and sharpened the focus of some ongoing bioethical challenges, especially regarding fetal tissue research and the related topic of abortion-derived cell lines and vaccine production. We looked at both of these issues in the spring of 2020, early in the COVID-19 pandemic. Time for some updates, new information and analysis.
Read MoreU.S. Sends Shot Across Bow of UN, WHO with Multilateral, Pro-Life Health Declaration
“At stake in this battle is the funding and prevalence of abortion, influencing societal views on abortion and securing or losing conscience freedom for pro-life healthcare professionals.”
At a signing ceremony in Washington, D.C. on October 22, 2020, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar laid out a multilateral agreement that sends a clear message to the United Nations and the World Health Organization: Stop pressuring countries to submit to a radical abortion agenda and focus instead on consensus global health issues.
Read MoreEthics, Science and Ethical Science
Should ethical considerations have a place in science and medicine? Should ethics reviews be a standard part of science proposal reviews? Some scientists have said one reason they don’t consult ethicists or think about the ethical implications of their research is because ethicists usually say “no” to new technologies or because ethics is arbitrary. But what they are really avoiding is the necessity of setting rational limits on science, thinking they can thereby avoid any limits on their work. Limits that protect all human beings—even nascent human life—are neither arbitrary nor irrational. Such limits offer essential protections against abuses that could actually tarnish the image and standing of science, and limits also provide us opportunities to appreciate our shared humanity. These limits are not barriers but rather channels to move the scientific endeavor onto more productive ground. Science and ethics are not diametrically opposed approaches. In fact, in most cases the two walk hand in hand, enjoying each other’s company and benefitting from the shared journey.
Read MoreThe Importance of Definitions
Definitions are important for what they say—and for what they do not say. Consider the definition of human trafficking. “Trafficking in persons” (TIP) is defined by the U.S. Department of Defense as “the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel persons to provide labor or services or commercial sex. TIP involves exploitation of all types. TIP can include elements of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for the purpose of exploitation.” The U.S. Department of State declares, “Human trafficking deprives millions worldwide of their dignity and freedom. It undermines national security, distorts markets, and enriches transnational criminals and terrorists, and is an affront to our universal values. At-risk populations can face deceitful recruitment practices by those bent on exploiting them for labor or commercial sex….” Interestingly, there is no mention of exchanging human beings for money as a definition of human trafficking, yet it seems that buying and selling humans would qualify as “human trafficking.”
Read MoreDisassembling the Abortion vs. Childbirth Safety Myth
The abortion industry launched a lawsuit after the state of Louisiana passed Act 620, which required “that every physician who performs or induces an abortion shall ‘have active admitting privileges at a hospital that is located not further than thirty miles from the location at which the abortion is performed or induced.’” To many observers, such a requirement obviously would help protect women who experience adverse events from an abortion.
Read MoreAn Embryo by Any Other Name
Some recent stories illustrate the continuing obsession, by some in the scientific community, with trying to make embryos in a way that “gets around” the ethical and legal barriers erected to protect young human life. Dr. David Prentice explores these recent attempts.
Read MoreNew Federal Rule Protects Conscience and Opens the Door to Pro-Life Family Planning Programs
In this week’s blog post, Jonathan Imbody shares about a new proposed federal rule that, if finalized after a public comment period ending July 31, will allow pro-life medical professionals and programs to finally take advantage of family planning grants opportunities.
Read MoreCMA Doctors Support Administration Proposal to Tighten Abortion-Related Safeguards in Family Planning Funding
Washington, DC—May 18, 2018–The 19,000-member Christian Medical Association (CMA, today expressed support for administration plans to disentangle taxpayer funds from abortion as a method of family planning.
Read MoreAbortion and Sex Issues Incite Opposition to Conscience Freedom Rule
his is the eighth in a series of on conscience in healthcare, by Jonathan Imbody, Vice President for Government Relations for the Christian Medical Association and Director of Freedom2Care. To find more from the series, visit or
Read MoreHow We Got Where We Are: Same-Sex Reproduction
In the realm of sexual reproduction, the idea of in vitro fertilization, a technological (and for many an ethical) impossibility years ago, is now commonplace. And, as foreseen in the futuristic movie Gattaca, it may someday become the standard method of reproduction.
Read MoreChristian Medical Association Highlights Implementation of New US Policy Keeping Tax Dollars from Abortion Groups Overseas
Washington, DC, February 7, 2018—The 19,000-member Christian Medical Association (CMA,, today lauded the administration’s implementation of the new Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance policy.
Read MoreNational Institute of Family & Life Advocates v. Becerra
The freedom of speech is a bedrock principle of our nation, enshrined in the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment. The right to speak or not to speak, however, is not unlimited. There are certain narrow exceptions when the government can, in fact, compel speech, including in the commercial or professional context.
Read MorePain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Coalition Letter
Letter to Representative Kevin McCarthy regarding the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” (H.R. 36).
Read MoreAmici Brief – Illinois Healthcare Right of Conscience Act
Brief filed by Americans United for Life in support of Plaintiffs, National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Bruce Rauner and Bryan Schneider. Amici includes American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologist, American College of Pediatricians, Christian Medical and Dental Associations and Heartbeat International.
Read MoreCMA Doctors Laud Administration’s Common Sense Approach to Contraceptives and the First Amendment
The nation’s largest faith-based association of doctors, the Christian Medical Association (, today urged the Trump administration to follow through on a promised common sense contraceptives policy, outlined in a document leaked yesterday, that accommodates First Amendment freedom of religious exercise. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would implement the new policy under the leadership of Sec. Tom Price, a physician who as a Member of Congress promoted legislation to advance religious freedom.
Read More“Am I My Brother’s Keeper?”
“Can I ethically immunize my kids with a vaccine that has been produced using cells from an aborted baby?” The caller asking the question seemed to be sincere. During Stand to Reason’s call-in podcast, the questions vary widely—the nature of God, evangelism, ethics—and host Greg Koukl does a great job thinking on his feet and applying a biblical worldview.
Read MoreChristian Doctor’s Digest – April 2017
We present 3 valuable interviews to help you engage the culture. Valerie Huber joins us to discuss what is happening in our country as the “progressive” curriculum of Sex Ed is expanding. Then Os Guinness shares from his book Impossible People on how to be courageous with our worldviews. And Jeanne Mancini gives us an update on the battle for life in this country.
Read MoreFederal Policy Top Priorities in 2017
The Washington Office of CMDA focuses on the fundamental issues of the right to life and freedom of faith, conscience and speech, which serve as the foundation for all other rights and freedoms. Here are some of the top priorities for the new year.
Read MorePost-Christian Paganism and Christian Opportunity
A 50-foot reproduction of the entry arch to the Temple of Baal went up in London this year and is soon to be in New York City. Yes, that Baal, the Canaanite “Lord” of fertility, rain and agriculture, thus wealth. Baal worship involved ritual sexual activity, sacred prostitutes of both sexes and infant sacrifice (see Jeremiah 19:5; Deuteronomy 12:31; Deuteronomy 18:9-10; and 2 Kings 23:7).
Read MoreConscience Protection Act letter to Congress
Letter supporting legislation to protect healthcare right of conscience.
Read MoreEthical Issues Regarding Post-Fertilization Effects of Oral Contraceptives
I have prescribed “the Pill” since 1978. My wife and I used the Pill for years, having no moral concerns about it. Then, in 1995 my friend and practice partner John Hartman, MD, showed me a patient information brochure–given to him by a friend–that claimed the Pill had a postfertilization effect causing “…the unrecognized loss of preborn children.”
Read MoreThe Point Washington Update – March 2015
In this issue: Abortion and human trafficking, Marriage merits, and Religious freedom.
Read MoreIs Vaccination Complicit with Abortion?
Does having your child vaccinated for measles, mumps, and rubella morally link you to an abortion performed 42 years ago? Some patients think so, but is this perspective reasonable?
Read MoreThe Point Washington Update – January 2015
Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this issue: Assisted Suicide, Pro-life march, and Human Trafficking.
Read MoreThe Point Washington Update – November 2014
Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this issue: Ebola death, Pro-life election gains 2015, and Assisted suicide.
Read MoreThe Point – November 2014
Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this issue: In this edition: Terminally ill patient ends her life, Tennessee passes abortion amendment, and Public supports quarantine for Ebola health workers.
Read MoreThe Point Washington Update – April 2014
Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this edition of The Point: Researchers harvest stem cells from cloned human embryos, Assisted suicide advocates make their case in JAMA, and SCOTUS hears case on free speech re: abortion in Obamacare.
Read MoreThe Point Washington Update – September 2013
Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this edition of The Point: CMDA human trafficking expert teaches doctors and students, Washington Post: Zygote is not a “living being” and Lawmakers focusing on abortion and harms to women.
Read MoreThe Point Washington Update – June 2013
Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this edition of The Point: High court rules on two cases on same-sex marriage, and SCOTUS strikes “prostitution pledge” requirement for AIDS, human trafficking grants.
Read MoreThe Point Blog – April 2013
In this edition of The Point: Assisted suicide bill set aside, for now, Plan B One-Step without age restriction, and First state personhood amendment.
Read MoreThe Point Washington Update – April 2013
Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this edition of The Point: Video chronicles abortion clinic horrors, Administration invites help in battling human trafficking, and CMDA and others urge HHS to reconsider contraceptives mandate.
Read MoreChristian Doctor’s Digest – January 2013
On a special January 2013 issue of Christian Doctor’s Digest, we focus on the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade and the impact that has had on our nation. Gianna Jessen shares her testimony and about the movie inspired by her life, October Baby. Priscilla Coleman discusses the issue of depression that often affects women who have had abortions. Brian Stillwell, MD explains the Endowment for Human Development and the tools they provide in helping us learn about unborn life. Dr. John Wilke, the “father” of the right to live movement, talks about the movement’s early history and where it is going now.
Read MoreRape is Violence–So is Abortion
The issue of aborting a rape-induced pregnancy recently rocked a Senate campaign. The images it summons of violation, unfairness and burden assure the topic instantly launches infuriated responses.
Read MorePost-Roe v. Wade: Overt War on Conscience Rages
As Roberta Flack softly coos her 1973 Grammy-winning song in the background, the 2011 TV commercial slowly unveils a stunning, color image of a developing, gently moving baby in utero. The baby’s tiny arm curls upward, framing her glorious face.
Read MoreRemember to Remember: The Modern Implications of Abortion
Remember to remember is a recurrent divine command. God wants us to remember the past in order to celebrate the good and learn to avoid evil. Equally recurrently, the children of Israel forgot to remember and the consequences were usually severe, including exile and slavery.
Read MoreAbortion Ethical Issues Regarding Post-Fertilization Effects of Oral Contraceptives
I have prescribed “the Pill” since 1978. My wife and I used the Pill for years, having no moral concerns about it. Then, in 1995 my friend and practice partner John Hartman, MD, showed me a patient information brochure–given to him by a friend–that claimed the Pill had a postfertilization effect causing “…the unrecognized loss of preborn children.” John asked me if I had ever heard of such a thing. I had not.
Read More