
“…There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4, NIV 1984).

I try to visit her twice a week, but sometimes only make it once. My mom is suffering from severe dementia and requires round-the-clock attendants. She can barely carry on a conversation and, when she does, it is often like, “I haven’t seen Mother in a while. How is she doing?” … with her own mother gone for 30 years; or, “Where is Bud?” … about our dad, who has been with the Lord for four years. My goal when I visit is to bring a moment of joy into her mental chaos, to produce a smile or a bit of laughter, even if she doesn’t understand.

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Christian Reflections on Dementia

Betty had served God well for years as a missionary in Africa. She was a strong believer and had a passion for the glory of God. At 80 she began to lose things and had difficulty remembering recent events. By 83 she was no longer able to care for her invalid husband and was placed in a nursing home. For the last five years of her life she sat and babbled incoherently.

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