
Waiting…I’m terrible at it. My guess is I’m not the only one. In fact, among an audience of healthcare professionals, I feel certain the terrible wait-ers make up the majority. We are generally goal-oriented, focused, committed, get-her-done sort of people. Just the sort of people for whom waiting is an agony.

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Renewing the Mountaintop Experience

In this article from the spring 2018 edition of Today’s Christian Doctor, Bryant Stoudt shares seven ideas that you can use to apply what you learned on a mission trip in your busy, everyday life.

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Where Did My Joy Go…and How Do I Get It Back?

Looking over the edge of burnout, Dr. Betsy Manor had to ask herself, “What changed?” Did she make the wrong career choice? Does she care about people less? Is healthcare changing too much? In this article published in the fall 2017 edition of Today’s Christian Doctor, Dr. Manor shares how she overcame burnout to find joy again in healthcare.

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Efficient Care & Spiritual Care: Can You Do Both?

What do you do when a patient asks for prayer but you’re too busy to take the time? In today’s world of healthcare, where efficiency is the driver, how do you take the time to include your faith in your practice? In this article published in the fall 2017 edition of Today’s Christian Doctor, Dr. Walt Larimore explains how you can offer both efficient care and spiritual care in your practice.

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