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Take Time to Rejoice and Be Glad

October 30, 2018

by Jennifer Wade

One of my fondest memories is singing Psalm 118:24 with my mom on the way to daycare: "This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. We will rejoice, we will rejoice and be glad in it and be glad in it."

Now I sing this to my 1-year-old daughter when I drop her off at my mother-in-law's before I go to work. I wanted to pass on this tradition to bless my daughter because I was so blessed by it, but I didn't realize how sweet it still is for me to sing to our Lord every day. Especially before work, it is a joyful, grounding psalm that helps me get in the right perspective as I start my day. It reminds me that God ordained this day, that He has already set in place what is to come, that I am not in control of it but am called to praise God for what He will do.

As a dentist, this is humbling and encouraging. Yes, we are "in charge" in our clinics, but God is truly the one working out the entire day. And no matter how pleasant or difficult the things are that the day holds, we are called to be glad and rejoice. Our Father wants us to rejoice and be glad! What a good Father we have. Today, no matter what is going on, take time to rejoice and be glad in what God has set before you for this day.

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