Today’s Christian Doctor – Spring 2018

Renewing the Mountaintop Experience
In this article from the spring 2018 edition of Today's Christian Doctor, Bryant Stoudt shares seven ideas that you can use to apply what you learned on a mission trip in your busy, everyday life.
Cultivating Culture
Author Ben Palpant encourages you to view culture as a garden to cultivate in order to see true change in this article published in the spring 2018 edition of Today's Christian Doctor.
Lessons Learned: Facing Physician-Assisted Suicide
Dr. Rachel B. DiSanto shares how she learned how to stand up for Christian principles in the fight against physician-assisted suicide in this article published in the spring 2018 edition of Today's Christian Doctor.
Battling the Opioid Epidemic
In this article published in the spring 2018 edition of Today's Christian Doctor, Dr. Stephen Manchester outlines how you can integrate spiritual care into opioid treatment in your practice. Plus, for the first time in the magazine's history, you can earn continuing education credit with this article.