Archived Articles
Testimony of Robert Orr, MD
By Robert Orr, MD, CM |
Testimony before House Human Services Committee in opposition to H-44, legalization of physician-assisted suicide.
Testimony of Wesley Smith
By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® |
Testimony opposing physician-assisted suicide before the California Senate Judiciary Committee.
Testimony of Hendrik Reitsema
By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® |
Testimony to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution by Dutch resident Hendrik Reitsema who lost his grandfather to euthanasia.
Testimony of Jonathan Imbody
By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® |
Testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights.
Abortion Ethical Issues Regarding Post-Fertilization Effects of Oral Contraceptives
By Walt Larimore MD |
I have prescribed "the Pill" since 1978. My wife and I used the Pill for years, having no moral concerns about it. Then, in 1995 my friend and practice partner John Hartman, MD, showed me a patient information brochure--given to him by a friend--that claimed the Pill had a postfertilization effect causing "...the unrecognized loss of preborn children." John asked me if I had ever heard of such a thing. I had not.
Testimony of Christopher Hook, M.D.
By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® |
Testimony offered by Christopher Hook, MD about physician-assisted suicide before a U.S. Senate Briefing regarding the Pain Relief Promotion Act.
Testimony of Senator Gordon Smith
By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® |
Testimony offered by Senator Gordon Smith from Oregon opposting physician-assisted suicide before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Testimony of Richard M. Doerflinger
By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® |
Testimony offered by Richard M. Doerflinger about physician-assisted suicide before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution regarding the Pain Relief Promotion Act.
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