Sued or Fired? Riding the Emotional Rollercoaster

Would you prefer to endure a medical malpractice lawsuit, or would you rather be terminated from your employment? Is there much difference in your emotional rollercoaster ride with either option? Would you want somebody who has ridden that rollercoaster before to assure you that the hellish ride will eventually finish?

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Christian Doctor’s Digest – April 2013

Saundra Dalton-Smith, MD shares from her book Set Free To Live. Wendy Kang, MD, JD discusses Medical Malpractice and the CMDA ministry to help those going through that difficult process. Then we bring you a chapel message from David Stevens, MD about overcoming what is dragging you down.

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Joy Cometh in the Morning

I still don’t know how I made it through the remainder of the day, or how my shak­ing hands were able to suture the next patient’s laceration. Instantly, the joy was gone from my life.

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Malpractice Pain

The pain of a malpractice suit can test your limits, threatening all you hold dear. For some, th is experience is devasating-personally, relationally, professionally-regardless how the case is resolved.

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Feeling the Passion

I reported early for my shift in the emergency department as a nurse was fin­inshing her coffee at the front desk. Thumbing throught the morning newspaper she stopped and said, “Hey Pat, I didn’t know you were getting sued!”

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The Journey: A Spiritual View

Much has been written about the subject of malprac­tice, but very little attention has been paid to the emotional and spiritual impact of a suit on the life of the physician who is sued.

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Understanding Malpractice

Here’s what often causes lawsuits and what you can do to avoid themFor doctors, nothing is more sobering than receiving notification that you are being sued.

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Fear of Malpractice

Because a malpractice suit can be personally devastating, it is essential that we share our concerns and fears to avoid the nameless, unreasoning, and unjustified terror that can paralyze our mission to be light in a darkened world.

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A Thorn in the Flesh

I worked in a lumber yard while in college, and a number of times I got slivers in my hands. The slivers were often so irritating that I would be consumed with the thought of removing them, and at times I would have to stop work to rid myself of the irritation.

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Physicians Can Heal the Hurt

Malpractice rises before the physician as an imminent bar­rier to his life work. The issues of malpractice touch him as a self-employed businessman, as a professional and as a person.

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Is the Law to Blame?

As a lawyer presenting his case to physicians, I feel a bit defensive. The attitude of many people in our society is reflected in a recent bumper sticker – “Support your local lawyer, send your son to medical school.”

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Opinion Letter

I do not carry malpractice in­surance. Originally I decided not to carry it simply because I could not afford it. Now, how­ever, I practice uninsured as a matter of principle.

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Morality in Malpractice

The malpractice crisis has been with us for three years. In 1974 insurance premiums jumped by nearly 200 percent, and each year since then they have risen higher.

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