
“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…” (Isaiah 30:15, NIV 1984).

A resident I know who loves the Lord and is dedicated to following God’s will for life told me his story at a conference recently: “In order to complete the mission God has for my life, he showed me I needed to travel far away to a city where I know no one. I learned recently that the period of time required there would cost me $5,000, money I do not have. I prayed, exasperated, for God to help me with the cost and help me get there. The next day, I was visiting a house church where people prayed for me and for God’s will in my life.

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The Sovereignty of God: Surrendering to Sovereignty

Einstein’s life began badly and kept getting worse. At birth, his parents were alarmed about his malformed head. They prayed his brain was not damaged. He was slow to speak, raising fears of retardation. “Classmates regarded Albert as a freak,” said a friend. “Teachers thought him dull-witted because of his failure to learn by rote and his strange behavior.” When his father asked what profession suited the boy, the headmaster said, “It doesn’t matter; he’ll never make a success of anything.”

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