Christian Doctor’s Digest – December 2019 – #2
In this podcast, CMDA’s new CEO Dr. Mike Chupp is joined by Dr. James Avery about his new book, Marijuana: An Honest Look at the World’s Most Misunderstood Weed. Next, he interviews Dr. Gene Rudd about Encore, a new CMDA ministry.
Marijuana and Medical Marijuana

Meet Our Guests on This Episode
Dr. James Avery is the National Medical Director for Diversicare Healthcare and Visiting Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine. Dr. Avery is a Fellow in the American College of Physicians, the American College of Chest Physicians and the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. He was awarded the Roger Bone Award for National Leadership in End-of-Life Care and the Lillian Wald Award for his work in hospice and palliative medicine in New York City. Dr. Avery was named “One of the 50 Most Influential Physician Executives” by Modern Physician magazine and was also nominated as “One of the 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare” by Modern Healthcare magazine. He is the author of the acclaimed children’s book How’s the Water, Girls? He has been married for almost four decades to his lifelong sweetheart Jan, and they have three adult children (whose names all begin with the letter J: Jonathan, Joseph and Juli) and two grandchildren (Elena and Gabriel). He loves his daughter-in-law Maria and son-in-law Ian as if they were his own. He lives in Charlottesville, Virginia with Jan, two cats and dog Chester.
After 25 years of service as Senior Vice President at Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA), Dr. Gene Rudd has assumed the role of Ministry Advisor. A specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, Dr. Rudd has extensive experience as a director of a maternal-fetal medicine training program and in rural healthcare practice. He has garnered several awards including the Gorgas Medal, presented by the U.S. government for the most significant achievement in preventive medicine. As a spokesman for Christian healthcare professionals in America, Dr. Rudd has received national media coverage, including appearances on National Public Radio, American Family Radio and Salem Radio Network, as well as the Wall Street Journal, Christianity Today, The Washington Post and People. He is the co-author of Practice by the Book. Dr. Rudd has also conducted international programs with World Medical Mission, where he established the Christian Medical Mission of Russia. He directed the rehabilitation of the Central Hospital in Kigali, Rwanda. Dr. Rudd has also served in Belarus, Bosnia, Kazakhstan and India. Dr. Rudd’s experiences provide rich illustrations for inspirational and educational presentations. He has communicated what God is doing through Christian medicine by speaking at seminars, conferences and churches. He and his wife Gay have four children: Jonathan, Deborah, Joshua and David.
Marijuana and Medical Marijuana