The Importance of Definitions

Definitions are important for what they say—and for what they do not say. Consider the definition of human trafficking. “Trafficking in persons” (TIP) is defined by the U.S. Department of Defense as “the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel persons to provide labor or services or commercial sex. TIP involves exploitation of all types. TIP can include elements of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for the purpose of exploitation.” The U.S. Department of State declares, “Human trafficking deprives millions worldwide of their dignity and freedom. It undermines national security, distorts markets, and enriches transnational criminals and terrorists, and is an affront to our universal values. At-risk populations can face deceitful recruitment practices by those bent on exploiting them for labor or commercial sex….” Interestingly, there is no mention of exchanging human beings for money as a definition of human trafficking, yet it seems that buying and selling humans would qualify as “human trafficking.”

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The Use of Psychotropic Drugs in Survivors of Human Trafficking

As psychiatrists who are also Christians, we evaluate and treat patients who have experienced many types of trauma, including trauma in childhood, adolescence, and trauma extended into adulthood. Prolonged, chronic trauma can be particularly damaging, affecting the minds, brain, spirits and bodies of victims, sometimes causing persistent physical and mental health problems, even when people are living under the Grace and Lordship of Jesus Christ. 

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Human Trafficking: What Can I Do About It?

Do you want to get involved in the fight against human trafficking, but simply don’t know where to start? In this article published in the fall 2015 edition of Today’s Christian Doctor, Drs. Allen Pelletier, Clydette Powell and Gloria Halverson outline easy steps for you take to help spread awareness and join the battle to end human trafficking.

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Human Trafficking Report Inflated by U.S. State Department

n the weeks leading up to a critical annual U.S. report on human trafficking that publicly shames the world’s worst offenders, human rights experts at the State Department concluded that trafficking conditions hadn’t improved in Malaysia and Cuba. And in China, they found, things had grown worse. The State Department’s senior political staff saw it differently — and they prevailed.

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Senate Passes Human Trafficking Bill

It took a month of back-and-forth between Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the bill’s author, and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) to find a compromise. They settled on creating two funding streams in the bill. One collects fines from traffickers and uses them for survivor services, excluding health care.

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Christian Doctor’s Digest – May 2014

Helping you overcome the challenges you face everyday. Mark Gregston shares from his book Tough Guys and Drama Queens about raising teenagers. Katherine Welch, MD discusses Human Trafficking and how we can make a difference in the fight. Then Babak Iranmanesh, MD shares his testimony on how he came to Christ from a Muslim background.

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Unable to tell anyone what was happening because of the threats from her father, Melissa began acting out in various other ways at school. Because of her acting out, Melissa was sent to a special program during her seventh grade year. She mentioned the abuse happening at home, but a simple letter from each parent denying the abuse was enough to keep any further investigation from occurring.

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The Point Washington Update – September 2013

Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this edition of The Point: CMDA human trafficking expert teaches doctors and students, Washington Post: Zygote is not a “living being” and Lawmakers focusing on abortion and harms to women.

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The Point Washington Update – June 2013

Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this edition of The Point: High court rules on two cases on same-sex marriage, and SCOTUS strikes “prostitution pledge” requirement for AIDS, human trafficking grants.

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Christian Doctor’s Digest – May 2013

Interviews about children. Robb Brandt, MD shares from his book You Deserved a Better Father. Jedd Medefind discusses the Christian Alliance for Orphans. Deena Graves enlightens us about Human Trafficking in the US and strategies to combat it. Then Richard Swenson, MD talks about writing his book Last Flight Out of Oz with his son.

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Somebody’s Daughter, Somebody’s Sister

Where are you in the battle against human trafficking? Do you know that it likely happens in your own city and not just in some faraway place on the other side of the globe? Are you mourning and grieving over this evil of human trafficking? Are you doing something besides just condemning this evil?

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The Point Washington Update – April 2013

Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this edition of The Point: Video chronicles abortion clinic horrors, Administration invites help in battling human trafficking, and CMDA and others urge HHS to reconsider contraceptives mandate.

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The Point Washington Update – March 2013

Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this edition of The Point: CMA human trafficking commentary published in Washington Times, House pushed to pass conscience protections, and Miss America promotes sexual risk avoidance education.

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The Point Washington Update – January 2012

Commentary and update on the state of legislative activities in Washington involving CMDA member interests. In this edition of The Point: Human trafficking, International health, and the Contraception mandate.

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Seeking Justice for Modern Day Slaves

When Jill was 14, she was forced to run away from home to escape repeated physical and sexual abuse. She ended up in the home of Bruce who found her alone at a local mall and promised her a job in his home “business.”

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Spectators or Saints – Which Will We Be?

Human trafficking today is a 44 billion dollar a year industry. With over 28 million humans in slavery worldwide, it is likely that Christian doctors will encounter one or more victims in their practice. We can make a difference, if we care and dare.

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Human Trafficking: The Slavery of the 21st Century

The 2005 US State Department Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report estimates that between 600,000 and 800,000 men, women, and children are trafficked across international borders every year. This number is dwarfed by the several million that are estimated to be trafficked within their home countries.

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