
Formerly Today's Christian Doctor

CMDA Today (Formerly Today’s Christian Doctor™) is a full-color, quarterly magazine devoted to today’s issues in healthcare, including inspirational testimonies from fellow Christian healthcare professionals, public policy updates, glimpses into the future of healthcare and examples of how to integrate your faith into your practice.

This quarterly journal is distributed to our members. Many of our members tell us their families and patients enjoy reading this award-winning publication. While articles teach healthcare professionals how to integrate faith into their practice, it also includes testimonials from fellow Christian healthcare professionals, stories from the mission field and information on public policy issues.

Archived Issues:

Save and Support Lives with Abortion Pill Reversal

Rebecca had eight months to go before finishing nursing school and was in an unhealthy relationship when she found out she was pregnant. She had no car and little income, and she certainly did not feel ready to have a baby.

CMDA Today – Spring 2023

In the Spring 2023 Edition of Today’s Christian Doctor, David and Katie Musser in the CMDA Residency [+] program, Dr. Jeffrey Barrows on applying the commands of Jesus to Christian advocacy in the public square, Eric Hussar, MD. discusses Abortion Pill Reversal, Dr. John Patrick on the source for morality in a post Christian world, and much more.

CMDA Today – Winter 2022

In the Winter 2022 Edition of CMDA Today, Building a Foundation to Recovery by David Holmes, MD, Healing from the Violence of Busyness by Emmy Yang, MD, MTS, Your Body Will Be Whole, by Kathryn Butler, MD, Losing Our Language to Bureaucratic Jargon by John Patrick, MD; and more!

CMDA Today – Fall 2022

In the Fall 2022 edition of CMDA Today, mentoring- contributing to the success of the next generation, the landmark Dobbs case decision, organizational diversity, being on the receiving end of prayer in healthcare, staying connected during school isolation; and more!

CMDA Today – Summer 2022

In the Summer 2022 edition of CMDA Today, find out how one doctor discovered her passion and calling for the pre-born; hear about how a medical school is also training students in Spanish; learn how CMDA is playing a major role in the Ukranian war; explore with our columnist, Dr. John Patrick, how Christian ethics in healthcare today differs from its secular counterpart; and more!

CMDA Today – Spring 2022

In the Spring 2022 edition of CMDA Today, learn how God’s Word can help you de-stress, hear from a doctor about how she believes the healthcare industry should return to its roots, join CMDA in welcoming two new missions ministries, receive continuing education credit for a new course on transgender identification, follow Dr. John Patrick’s bioethics column and more!

Today’s Christian Doctor – Fall 2018

In the fall 2018 edition of Today’s Christian Doctor, Kenneth Lim, MD, considers how to sustain a lifetime of emotionally healthy spirituality in medicine. We look at CMDA’s Medical Malpractice Ministry, our Side By Side ministry, our VIE Poster Sessions, and Dr. Stevens discusses facing California as we fight Physician-Assisted Suicide.

Today’s Christian Doctor – Summer 2018

In the summer 2018 edition of Today’s Christian Doctor, Dr. Al Weir discusses an important question for all healthcare professionals: when is the right time to retire from practicing? Other topics include the latest bioethical issues in gene editing, finding community in healthcare and standing up for your beliefs in the workplace.

Today’s Christian Doctor – Spring 2018

In the spring 2018 edition of Today’s Christian Doctor, Dr. Stephen Manchester outlines how you can integrate spiritual care into opioid treatment in your practice. Other topics include standing up against physician-assisted suicide, cultivating culture and applying what you learn on a mission trip to your everyday life.

Today’s Christian Doctor – Winter 2017

In the winter 2017 edition of Today’s Christian Doctor, Dr. Mark Crouch explores the role of Christian healthcare professionals in authentic community development. Other topics include CMDA’s newest missions conference, relief work after Hurricane Harvey, the Psychiatry Section and an exclusive interview with the President of the American Medical Association.

Archived Individual Articles

Human Trafficking

Spectators or Saints – Which Will We Be?

Human trafficking today is a 44 billion dollar a year industry. With over 28 million humans in slavery worldwide, it is likely that Christian doctors will encounter one or more victims in their practice. We can make a difference, if we care and dare.
DementiaPhysician-Assisted Suicide

Christian Reflections on Dementia

Betty had served God well for years as a missionary in Africa. She was a strong believer and had a passion for the glory of God. At 80 she began to lose things and had difficulty remembering recent events. By 83 she was no longer able to care for her invalid husband and was placed in a nursing home. For the last five years of her life she sat and babbled incoherently.
Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking: The Slavery of the 21st Century

The 2005 US State Department Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report estimates that between 600,000 and 800,000 men, women, and children are trafficked across international borders every year. This number is dwarfed by the several million that are estimated to be trafficked within their home countries.

More Than Meets the Eye

Every morning when I get up, I ask myself two questions: First, is God as worried as I am? If the answer is yes, then I cancel my agenda for the day ’cause it’s all over. But if the answer is no, I ask the second question: Then why am I worried?
Embryo AdoptionEmbryo DonationReproductive

National Embryo Donation Center

Many couples who have used reproductive technology in an effort to have children are faced with the daunting dilemma of what to do with remaining embryos that will not be implanted and brought to birth. These so-called “excess” embryos are being targeted for destruction by researchers who promise miracle cures. On the other side of the equation are over two million infertile couples who desire to have children.
Embryo AdoptionEmbryo DonationReproductive

When Do You Become You?

The debate over the status of pre-born humans has become clouded due to the redefinition of certain terms over the past few decades. Biological advances, including the destruction of embryos to obtain embryonic stem cells have also heightened the ethical dilemma. However, human life remains worthy of protection from the moment of its individual uniqueness—fertilization.
CloningPhysician-Assisted Suicide

Cloning Name Games

Proponents of therapeutic cloning seek to clone human embryos, but don’t want them implanted into women. Instead, they want to use them to produce stem cells that might some day be developed into therapies. These stem cells and resulting tissues would be immunologically compatible with the person from whom they were cloned, thereby overcoming the risk of rejection that plagues tissue transplantation from other people.
Embryonic Stem Cell ResearchReproductive TechnologyStem Cells

The Stem Cell Revolution

"Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into a variety of tissues. This means, through careful engineering, stem cells could be used to repair a damaged brain or heart, rebuild a knee, restore injured nervous system connections, treat diabetes and much more. That's the potential power of stem cells, and the reason the University of Minnesota is investing greatly in its Stem Cell Institute - the first of its kind. The Institute today will change medicine as we know it tomorrow."
Doctor-Patient Relationship

Strengthening the Doctor-Patient-God Relationship

The physician-patient relationship is the cornerstone of medical practice, an essential ingredient in the restoration and maintenance of health. As a researcher, clinician and teacher, I have spent much of my career studying, implementing and modeling the healing effects of the physician-patient relationship, seeking to maximize its benefits in the care of patients. My first research studies at Yale University addressed patients’ perceptions of physician performance, in which I documented that patients ultimately cherish "TLC"—time, listening and caring.1-3 Patients desire and welcome treatment by doctors who show the willingness to listen to their concerns and the heart to care for them as individuals.
Alternative Medicine

A Review of Alternative Medicine: The Christian Handbook

Depending on your practice, within the foreseeable future any number of patients are going to pause on the way out of the exam room, hand on the doorknob, to ask one question or another about alternative medical therapies. For example, one patient might want to know what you think of the "hallelujah diet," which her friend believes to be divinely inspired.
End of LifePhysician-Assisted Suicide

Ministry Through End-Of-Life Care

A generation or two ago, when medicine was primarily low-tech, a majority of patients died quickly of acute illness, usually in their own homes, cared for by families, neighbors, and church friends. But things have changed. Now, 90 percent of North Americans die slowly from debilitating disease (organ failure, malignancy, dementia, etc.).